Meet the team
With the recent weather it's fair to say summer has drawn to a close. I really hope you haven't been affected by the flash flooding where you live, as many unfortunately have this weekend in Market Harborough. The schools have gone back and it feels like Autumn with the cooler air and leaves under foot, it's time to wrap up warm.
After what has been a very busy summer between juggling my jewellery making, running Ada Gallery and spending quality time with my son, Jude, I am very excited to tell you about some changes happening in store.
The Ada team is growing and I'm so pleased to welcome Freya and Sonia to help share the work load. This means I can spend a lot more time at my jewellery bench and keep up with demand for my Ruth Wood Jewellery. It also allows more time for me to photograph and upload more of my work to the Ada online store.

You will have seen or met the lovely Rosie, who works in the shop alternate Saturdays, but we now have the beautiful Freya who will be helping in-store, modelling jewellery for our socials and online store, and maybe even learning some jewellery making. And the gorgeous Sonia to help in-store, with marketing and make sure you get these email newsletters more regularly :-) Sorry it's been a while since our last email. Welcome ladies!
(from top to bottom: Ruth, Rosie, Freya & Sonia)